Index Manager was originally designed in 1989 for QuickBasic. Before the days of the database engines, it was one of the first methods for allowing B+ tree index access to files in BASIC and C. Written in Macro Assembler, Index Manager was fast and used very little memory.
The most requested upgrade - Index Manager 32-bits - is now available. Rather than just clone Index Manager 16-bits, Index Manager has been enhanced to take advantage of the power of the 32 bit environment as follows:
Index Manager 32 is a 100% Assembler 32-bit DLL for maximum efficiency.
IM32 is not an inefficient "thunk" (16-bit code emulating 32-bits), but was rewritten line for line in the 32-bit mode.
IM32 indexes are completely compatible with IM16 indexes. You can read and write indexes created with IM16 using IM32. You can read and write indexes created with IM32 using IM16.
One IM32 DLL supports ALL major development platforms: Visual Basic 4/5, Visual C/C++, PowerBasic 32-bit DLL Compiler. Sample code is included for BOTH Basic and C.
One IM32 DLL supports multiple block sizes. You no longer need a different IM module for each block size. You can even open different block sizes simultaneously.
The number of indexes supported has been increased from 10 to 100. You no longer need multiple IM modules with different names.
The number of cache buffers has been increased from 10 to 100 for incredibly fast performance.
One of the most requested features - Read Only Mode - has been implemented. You can give your users read-only access to critical indexes or even run indexes from CD-ROM.
Index Manager does not support Microsoft's Net environment.
The cost of IM32 is $395.