Sophisticated Stock Analysis FOR THE INDIVIDUAL INVESTOR
Welcome to the Stock Partner Web site.Our MissionTo help every investor perform sophisticated fundamental stock analysis with ease. Our CompanyFounded in 1981, CDP Consultants is a California company dedicated to providing high quality investment software. Our ProductOf the hundreds of investment programs available, almost all use technical analysis - making investment decisions based upon stock price patterns. Stock Partner is one of the few to use fundamental analysis - making investment decisions similar to evaluation prior to purchasing a business: analysis of sales, profits and other fundamentals, and careful assessment of prospects for future growth. Stock Partner performs sophisticated stock analysis using techniques developed by outstanding investment organizations such as the American Association of Individual Investors (AAII), the National Associations of Investment Clubs (NAIC), tens of thousands of Investment Clubs, and legendary investor Warren Buffett. Stock Partner is the only software product to directly access the powerful Stock Investor database from the American Association of Individual Investors (AAII). Updated quarterly or monthly on CD-ROM, this database is the equivalent of having 5 to 7 years of annual reports on over 9000 companies, and includes a powerful screening capability to narrow your stock selection. Stock Partner can then produce comprehensive analysis of any group of stocks you have chosen. details Why you need Stock PartnerStock Partner lets you pick potential stock market winners in minutes. "Value Investing is back." The Wall Street Journal, January 29, 2001. The article goes on to say: "The value approach, on average, does better than the growth approach," says C. Thomas Howard, a professor of finance at the University of Denver's Daniels College of Business. "That has been consistent across time." Let's take a real world example: Using the first Version 3.0 Stock Investor Pro database of August, 1997, and its incredibly powerful screening capability, we can reduce the number of stocks to focus on from over 9000 to a manageable number around 25. Stock Investor Pro gives you the screening criteria used by many famous stock market experts, Stock Investor Pro Screening or you can make up your own. Using Stock Partner's screening criteria which requires 7 years of consistent sales and earnings growth and a strong balance sheet, the number of stocks is quickly reduced to 28 for August, 1997. Before we discuss picking individual stocks, let's look at the big picture. DiversificationA basic principle of fundamental investing is to diversify to reduce risk as shown in the following graph: A portfolio of from 10 to 20 stocks minimizes risk. To further reduce risk you should also diversify across industry sectors and company size. The Stock Investor Database makes it easy to diversify across industry sectors by dividing all stocks into 12 industry sectors. Stock Partner also divides all stocks into three size categories as recommended by the National Association of Investors Clubs. Using the following spreadsheet, you can easily spread your investments across industry sectors and company size: Portfolio Diversification
Now let's use the Stock Partner program to select a stock in the Health Care industry. Using Stock Partner's Stock Comparison screen, we can easily select the Health Care sector, and pick the best stock in this sector. Note that the stocks shown are only after Stock Investor screening has reduced the total market of stocks from over 9000 to 28. We are looking only at stocks that have passed our initial screening. If we want a midsize company, BMET is the best value. For a small company, TECH is the stock to pick. Stock Partner has 13 analysis screens to study for each stock before reaching an investment decision. BMET has tripled in value since 1997, and TECH has increased by a factor of 5. Not all selections will do this well. In fact, the Investors Clubs use the rule that for every 5 investments, one will do very well (as these two stocks did), three will perform as you predict, and one will lose money. The point is that Stock Partner helps you to focus on just the stocks you want to consider for investment. How I Use Stock Partner
By Fred Lepow, Author and Publisher Stock Partner is not only a program which I created and sell, it is a program I use. I study Stock Partner extensively before every investment. The following is the story of one recent investment, and illustrates how I, and therefore how you, too, can use Stock Partner. The first step in using Stock Partner is the arrival of the new Stock Investor Pro CD-ROM which is typically received around the 15th of the month. The steps required to install a new version of Stock Investor are as follows: 1. Install Stock Investor using the standard installation procedure. 2. Log on to AAII website and download the latest weekly update. In September, only prices were updated, but as of February, 2002, all data will be updated - making stock analysis much more accurate. Many thanks to AAII. 3. Start Stock Investor and load the predefined screens. 4. Accept Stock Investor's offer to recalculate all custom fields. 5. Click the Screen drop down box and select the Stock Partner screening. Any screening of your choice can be selected, but I prefer our own. The Stock Partner screening emphasizes consistent growth and a strong balance sheet. Stock Partner screening can be automatically transferred from Stock Partner to Stock Investor using a Stock Partner menu option. You can see the details of the Stock Partner screening using the Stock Investor Screen Editor and selecting Stock Partner. 6. The next step is to click on the Edit Menu and Delete the previous Stock Partner portfolio. 7. From the File menu, save the current notebook as a portfolio named Stock Partner. 8. Close Stock Investor Pro and start Stock Partner. We are now ready to begin Stock Partner's analysis. Last September, I received the disk on the 17th, but had no time to install it until September 20th. The market had been sinking for several months due to the recession that was underway. After the September 11th attack, the market almost panicked. More attacks were anticipated. Surely the world was going to end. It is at times like these that opportunities for those brave enough to have faith in our country is at its greatest. This is what the Dow looked like on September 20th: At a time like this, it was comforting to have a friend like Stock Partner to clearly, and without emotion, evaluate the investment potential of stocks. Here are the steps required to use Stock Partner. 1. Select the Stock Partner portfolio from the Open Portfolio list. Click Open Selected Portfolio. The list of stocks in the portfolio is displayed in the Open Stock List. There were 20 stocks that passed the Stock Partner screening last September. 2. Click the Compare Menu Item. Then click Compare Portfolio. This shows a summary of all stocks in the portfolio. You can see at a glance which stocks are in a "buy" range. Here is what the Compare Portfolio first page looked like last September: 3. Because of the market environment discussed earlier, a number of high quality stocks were now "on sale." The Compare Menu shows a large number of stocks in a buy range, but only four that I did not already own: DFXI, INTI, NATI, and PLT 4. The Current Position screen showed that INTI, NATI, and PLT had experienced a decrease in sales and earnings for the current quarter. Since I believe that all indicators must be positive before making an investment, these three stocks were eliminated. 5. DFXI, on the other hand, had experienced a 56% increase in sales and 74% increase in earnings in the current quarter. All indicators were very positive for this stock. Note that DFXI changed its name in May of 2002 and moved from the NASDAQ to the New York Stock Exchange. Its new symbol is NLS.
6. The next day, September 21st, I issued a buy order on DFXI, investing 10% of my portfolio at $17.30 per share. Stock Partner is not a trading system, but a long term investment philosophy. While not every investment will work out this well, this actual investment in DFXI illustrates that Stock Partner can select stocks with above-average profit potential. What others are saying about us"As a professional , I have not seen or used a more efficient and
"I like your software very much! Much appreciated." Richard Goodman, Westwood, Massachusetts
Support - Please pass this on to whom it may concern. Just this weekend I attended an AAII Stock Seminar on Valuing Stocks, given by Prof Howard from DU. Then just happened to run across this download on AAII, which saves me the trouble of doing this myself. Thanks for a really great analysis tool! Thx - Gene Goldhammer, Bellevue , Washington
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