Stock Partner®

Sophisticated Stock Analysis FOR THE INDIVIDUAL INVESTOR

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Sales and Earnings Graph
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One-Year Return
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Gain-Loss Screen
Five-Year Return
Ten-Year Return
Sustainable Return Screen
Stock Comparison Screen
Farewell Screen




        Stock Partner Summary

Stock Partner places any stock under a magnifying glass, helping the intelligent investor to make sound investment decisions. Utilizing the database of the American Association of Individual Investors (AAII): Stock Investor Professional, updated monthly on CD-ROM (available separately at the AAII Website), the investor has access to 7 years of data on over 9000 companies, allowing extensive stock screening on any of 1500 data fields per company. Once a narrowed selection of stocks is made, Stock Partner generates 13 analysis panels on each stock as follows:
bulletStock summaries and critical financial data about each company
bulletCurrent financial position of each stock selected
bulletFinancial history and price-earning ratio analyses
bulletRanking by key performance parameters relative to every other stock in the same industry
bulletA multi-year graph of sales and earnings making use of regression analysis to calculate precise trends
bulletPredictor of growth rate using trends previously calculated and analysts' earning estimates
bulletCalculations of one-year return and maximum purchase price
bulletFive-year determination of most probable low stock price
bulletCalculation of risk - possible gain versus possible loss
bulletGraphic display of buy-hold-sell points using user selected criteria
bulletCalculation of five-year return and determination of maximum purchase price
bulletCalculation of ten-year return for a long-term perspective
bulletCalculation of ten-year return using an alternative sustainable earnings growth model
Stock Partner also provides a unique comparison screen in which all stocks in the same industry sector are compared using key parameters, providing the user with a side by side comparison of same-industry stocks for the ultimate intelligent investment decision.

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         Stock Partner Requirements

bulletStock Investor Professional database available separately from the American Association of Individual Investors.  
bulletInternet Explorer Version 5 or higher
bulletMonitor Resolution of 1024 by 768 or higher
bullet12 Megabytes of Disk Space for Stock Partner.  
bullet110 Megabytes of Disk Space for the AAII database.

Stock Partner Annual Fee:    $49 per year


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Copyright © 2000 CDP Consultants           
Last modified: September 23, 2011