Customer Testimonials

 » Success Stories from Our Users...


"Cover Your Ad is saving me valuable time that can be used to sell cars. I have three managers using the product to build ads as a team. I arrive Monday morning and another manager has pulled the cars and pre-loaded the ads for review by the team before submitting it to the paper. It is very easy to learn."

David Miller
General Manager
John Hine Auto Group
San Diego, CA


"Since we've started using the Cover Your Ad program, my managers have been able to create a variety of compliant advertisements easily and without special legal training. Cover Your Ad allows you to e-mail your compliant ad copy directly to the sponsoring newspaper."

"Cover Your Ad takes the guesswork out of creating compliant advertisements. I urge you to call your newspaper and request Cover Your Ad."

Courtesy ChevroletNorman Erb
Managing Owner
Courtesy Chevrolet Center
San Diego, CA

"You'll prepare your ad faster than before. [It's] only a matter of becoming familiarized with the program. Streamlines the ad building process."

Barry Adams
General Sales Manager
Heller Auto Group
Escondido, CA



John Hine Heller Auto Group